1 LB – Native Wildflower & Grass Mix- Showy Northeast
Transform Your Garden Into a Prairie Wonderland! Our carefully curated selection is a symphony of color and life. Immerse yourself in the unique charm of Sideoats Grama, the lively hues of Little Bluestern, and the graceful elegance of Virginia Wildrye. The vibrant Purple Coneflower adds a splash of brilliance, perfect for any garden canvas.
Welcome Wildlife with Style! The Partridge Pea and Blackeyed Susan are not just visually stunning; they’re a haven for friendly fauna. Lanceleaf Coreopsis and Oxeye Sunflower bring beams of sunshine to your green space, lighting up every corner.
Pollinators’ Paradise! Create a buzzing haven with Marsh Blazing Star and Mistflower, the perfect pit stops for busy bees and butterflies. Butterfly Milkweed and our selection of Asters, including Smooth Blue, New England, Aromatic, and ZigZag, ensure a grand finale of floral fireworks in the late season.
Fragrance and Beauty in Every Leaf! Let the sweet scents of Wild Bergamot and Narrowleaf Mountainmint fill your garden. Tall Coreopsis rises majestically, while White Avens, Sundrops, and Orange Coneflower add subtle grace and vivid vitality.
Complete Your Prairie Tapestry! Maryland Senna, Early and Gray Goldenrods, along with Hairy Beardtongue, are the final touches to this masterpiece, each contributing their unique allure and splendor.