50 lbs. Eagle Seed Big Fellow Round Up Ready Soybeans High-Yield Forage Variety
Elevate your food plots, hay, or silage with our premium 50 lbs. Eagle Seed Big Fellow Round Up Ready Soybeans. This exceptional forage variety stands tall, boasting large, leafy plants that offer superior performance and benefits for your land and wildlife.
Superior Performance and Nutrition: Through rigorous university trials, our Big Fellow Round Up Ready Soybeans have proven to surpass other soybean varieties in multiple aspects. They exhibit impressive height, providing abundant tonnage and exceptional browse resistance. With higher protein content and improved drought tolerance, these soybeans deliver optimal nutrition for your wildlife.
Extended Feeding Season: The advantage of our Big Fellow Round Up Ready Soybeans lies in their late maturity compared to competitor’s varieties. This characteristic allows the plants to stay green longer, providing a continuous food source for deer well into the fall. By maintaining green leaves during crucial months, you enhance the opportunity for deer to build mass and antler size. Deer are naturally attracted to greener plants, and the extended feeding period of Big Fellow® and Large Lad® can extend for 4-8 weeks beyond other options.
Blends and Mixes: Big Fellow® is a key component of our GameKeeper® and Wildlife Manager’s Mix®, carefully formulated to create thriving habitats for wildlife. By incorporating our Big Fellow Round Up Ready Soybeans into your land management strategy, you contribute to the health and vitality of the ecosystem while supporting your wildlife population.