If you’ve been looking for a great herbicide that will knock down everything from poison ivy to softwoods to bushes, briars and berries, you’ve found it! The Crossbow Herbicide from Dow AgroSciences is a powerful herbicide for woody, brush, and broadleaf plants that leaves grasses unaffected! Tried other herbicides that didn’t kill? Or sprays that killed everything – including your grass? This is the perfect product for your fencerow, fields, anywhere you need some serious knockdown but want to preserve your grass.
Great knockdown power for:
- Woody plants and Brush : Kudzu, Blackberries, Poison Oak, Softwoods, etc.
- Annual and Perennial Broadleaves : Buckwheat, Ragweed, Thistle, Poison Ivy, Dandelion, Oxalis, White Clover, Ground Ivy, etc.
Application information:
- Equipment: hand sprayers, tractor ag-sprayers, virtually any type of chemical sprayer.
- Postmergent spray; use when leaves are present. Not effective if used immediately after mowing. Best results when foliage growth is active.
- Application rate depends on type of weed and application timing.