1 Gallon Crystal Blue Natural Pond Cleaner
Crystal Blue Natural Pond Cleaner is a safe and effective solution for maintaining the health and clarity of your pond or lake. Here are some key features of this product:
Natural Bacteria: The cleaner contains safe and natural bacteria that target and break down pond muck, dead leaves, and other organic material that can accumulate in ponds and lakes.
Muck Reduction: By breaking down organic matter, the bacteria help reduce muck levels in the pond, improving water quality and clarity.
Odor Control: The natural bacteria also help control unpleasant odors that may arise from decomposing organic material in the water.
Supercharged Formula: The product is formulated to supercharge naturally occurring bacteria in the pond, enhancing their ability to consume micronutrients and maintain a healthy balance.
Safe for All: Crystal Blue Natural Pond Cleaner is 100% safe for humans, fish, livestock, pets, birds, swimming, consumption, and irrigation, ensuring minimal impact on the ecosystem.
Coverage: One gallon of the cleaner can treat one surface acre of pond or lake, providing efficient and cost-effective treatment for larger water bodies.